Superior Glass Technology

Premium Adhesives & Glass Technology

Auto glass is always taken for granted until the day comes when a problem is noticed. A serious crack in the glass leads vehicle owners to shaking their heads and hoping their insurance company will pay for the repair work. Whether the provider does pick up the tab or not isn't the most important thing to ponder. The owner has to worry about whether or not the new glass is going to be safe to install. Shattered glass on a parked car will lead to concerns about how that glass might handle in the aftermath of a highway mishap.

The best quality glass is the O.E.M variety - the original equipment manufacturer version. This would be the same type of glass that was originally installed on the car by the factory upon rolling off the assembly line.

Glass Quality Does Matter

In the aftermath of a major accident, it would be wise to procure the exact same glass that the manufacturer installed. Ordering from the manufacturer may be the only way to do this which, honestly, could end up being very expensive. Even if cost is not too much of a worry, the possibility exists that the manufacturer may not be able to directly provide the new glass. Locating a distributor able to provide the exact match could prove elusive.

This doesn't mean all the proverbial panic buttons should be hit when the same brand of glass cannot be found. Federal regulations are in place to ensure high standards of safety are met. The letters "O.E.E." are what customers need to look for and, more importantly, accept nothing less. O.E.E. stands for "original equipment equivalent".

What Does OEE Refer To?

Basically, the letters (and accompanying words) refer to a mandate by federal standards that any different brand of glass installed on a car is the equivalent in quality to the original glass installed by the manufacturer. Now, those in need of new glass are not going to be familiar with O.E.E. standards so they have to rely on the garage that is installing the glass to handle the ordering on their behalf.

The best advice that can be given here is to work with a garage that is well established and reputable. No one wants to end up with the wrong glass, and bringing business to a well-reviewed garage dramatically cuts down on the risk of such a mishap occurring.

Selecting a repair shop that specializes in repairing and replacing glass is strongly recommended. Yes, virtually all garages can handle the job of replacing glass. Expert help, however, is best because this ensures the right person is doing the job the right way. Who wants to see unnecessary delays or, worse, a botched job?

Expertise Matters

Expertise also comes with another benefit. The job can be completed quickly. First, the garage is likely to have the necessary distribution connections to have glass delivered without unnecessary delays. The quicker the glass arrives, the quicker the car gets out on the road and performs in a safe manner. Second, the "quickest" extends to the actual performance of the repair or replacement work.

Expertise means efficiency. Those who have repeatedly done these jobs are not going to leave customers waiting. Cars aren't going to wait in the garage hours on end. Work will commence on the car and new glass is going to be installed - the right glass, glass that meets the proper safety standards.

Offering special processes such as replacement work using adhesive technology should be standard practice with a top garage. This way, even greater confidence can be felt that the job will be done quickly and done with the highest standards. Adhesive of this natures doesn't exactly come loose easily.

The garage should be able to handle all manner of different vehicles - SUVs, trucks, domestic cars, foreign cars, and the like. To someone who owns a small compact car, it might seem as if there is no reason to worry about whether or not the garage handles tractor trailers. But the ability to handle all sorts of different models further proves the expertise of the mechanics at the garage. Experts are usually able to handle any job.

Does access to the finest experts in the glass business charge a lot? Surprisingly, the answer is no. Excellent deals are commonly available. Those in need of glass work for their car should be able to find a great price on equally great work.

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